Anastasia and Ma: The Blessed Truth of Eternal Life
Updated: May 24, 2022

The longer I live the more I recognize just how quickly life comes and goes. Recently my wife gave birth to our third child and first daughter. Sadly, her grandmother had just passed away the day before. We watched the funeral service from our hospital room with our baby girl sleeping soundly as songs about Christ's faithfulness were sung. It was such a surreal moment. It was hard to be away from family during the loss of a loved-one, but there was no better reason to have to be away. Thankfully, my wife's grandmother (Ma) was a firm believer in Jesus Christ, so our only real sorrow was in that she did not get to meet her fifth great-grandchild. We do not mourn as if without hope, because we know she is in heaven with her Lord and Savior. That does not change the fact that Ma will be greatly missed. She will not, however, be missed forever. Her great-granddaughter will always be a reminder of that. The reason for this is because we have decided to name our daughter Anastasia.
We picked the name Anastasia because of its meaning. It comes from the Greek word anastasis, which means resurrection. She was born in the Spring, which is the time of the year that we are reminded that God is the God of life. Spring is also the time of year that we celebrate Easter: the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the many different reminders that God is the giver of life; not just life right now, but eternal, resurrected life to all who believe in Jesus as their risen Lord and Savior. This is the truth that I cherish the most, and Anastasia will help me to remember to believe it. Let me explain:
One of the most striking conversations in the Bible is recorded in John chapter 11 when Martha said to Jesus that if He had been there when her brother Lazarus was sick, then Lazarus would not have died. I can’t help but wonder what all she was thinking. Was she confused why Jesus delayed in coming to see them? Was she upset with Jesus? Was she simply stating a fact and wondering if there was anything Jesus could do now that Lazarus had actually died? All of those are scenarios are plausible and unremarkable. But what is remarkable is Jesus’ response to her.
Jesus tells Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” This is an astonishing statement! We know from the rest of the narrative that Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. He really did it! Jesus called Himself the anastasis and then actually proved it in real life. But before He proved it, He asked Martha an important question; He said, “Do you believe this?” Well, do we?
We named our daughter Anastasia so that we will constantly be reminded to keep believing the truth; that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. When life gets hard, when hope seems to fail, when questions, worry, frustration, and confusion get the best of me, I want to remember that Jesus solved my real problem. He purchased my life for me, and I can take it easy knowing that He will raise me up to an everlasting life. In Him, I will never truly die. There is nothing that can stop those of us who believe this truth from living with all our might for the glory of God. So, will you commit to believing the truth? Will you live without fear? Will you live for God’s glory, which is your good?
I know my wife's Ma believed that Jesus was her life and hope for resurrection. Because of her hope in Christ, she always saw the good in every situation and loved everyone whether they deserved it or not. I hope her great-granddaughter Anastasia will help everyone she meets to believe and do the same.